thermometry|thermometries in English


measure of temperature

Use "thermometry|thermometries" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thermometry|thermometries" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thermometry|thermometries", or refer to the context using the word "thermometry|thermometries" in the English Dictionary.

1. Quantitative thermometry and Barometry are based on thermodynamics.

2. Simultaneous Global Thermometry, Barometry, and Velocimetry Systems and Methods

3. Endogenic carbonates in lake sediments are good archives to reconstruct lake water temperature using Clumped isotope thermometry

4. However, applications of carbonate Clumped isotope thermometry to lacustrine carbonates are still scarce because the existed organic and/or sulfur contaminants in such samples …

5. Temperature estimates from fluid-muscovite-quartz-feldspar equilibrium and oxygen isotope thermometry of coexisting adularia and quartz are combined with the fluid inclusion isochores to derive depositional pressures.

6. The Barometry and thermometry undertaken during this study, combined with the stratigraphy of this region, indicates that the Fenghuangshan copper deposit is well preserved and has undergone few changes since formation.

7. Metapelites with the assemblage garnet-staurolite-kyanite-sillimanite±andalusite-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase were used to reconstruct pressure and temperature conditions with exchange thermometry, net transfer equilibria and multi-equilibrium methods.

8. ‘software package for thermometry, Barometry, and activity calculations in mafic rocks using an IBM-compatible computer Source Computers & Geosciences archive’ ‘Shell Canada and Pulsearch Navigation Systems of Calgary have developed an integrated real time differential GPS and Barometry …

9. Up to 10% cash back  · Published: June 2000 Titaniferous magnetite–ilmenite thermometry and titaniferous magnetite–ilmenite–orthopyroxene–quartz oxygen Barometry in granulite facies gneisses, Bamble Sector, SE Norway: implications for the role of high-grade CO 2-rich fluids during granulite genesis

10. Thermometry and Barometry results for two amphibole-plagioclase mineral pairs (mineral analyses shown in Table 1) using the Anderson and Smith (1995) calibration and temperatures from Holland and Blundy (1994) calibration gives a crystallization pressure of 3.1 [+ or -] 0.6 kbar with temperatures in the range 670 692 [degrees]C.

11. Chopinhauer wrote:With respect to all the engineering-types, I think all this thermometry 'uglifies' intrinsically aesthetically pleasing machines (such as Pavonis & Creminas) and 'Arithmetizes' an intrinsically aesthetic experience.IMHO (based on my exposure to many but by no means all lever machines) they are not a substitute for the experience that, after a break-in period, enables one